Zandra Rhodes Master Class
2016年3月、70歳を超える現在でもパワフルに第一線で活躍するイギリス人テキスタイルデザイナーのザンドラ・ローズ(Zandra Rhodes)がISCAを来校し特別授業を行いました。
ザンドラ・ローズ(Zandra Rhodes)。1940年代、イギリスのケントで生まれる。メドウェイ・カレッジ・オブ・アート(Medway College of Art)、ロイヤル・カレッジ・オブ・アート(Royal College of Art)で学び、主にテキスタイルデザインを専攻。
ザンドラ・ローズのテキスタイルデザインは、当時のイギリスではあまりに奇抜とされ、そのため、69年、自身のショップ「Fulham Road」をロンドンにオープンする。彼女は自身のデザインもさることながら、ヘアー、メイクアップなどそのライフスタイルもドラマチック、ゴージャズで注目を集めた。
こうして70年代にはイギリスデザイナーの中でも「New Wave」と呼ばれる地位を確立。世界のファッションシーンで注目を集めた。
British fashion design icon Zandra Rhodes took time out of her work schedule for London Fashion Week 2016 to inspire the next generation of designers. ISCA students were thrilled to meet the designer, who toured the studios, looking through sketchbooks, portfolios and a suspended fashion show. She spent a great deal of time talking through ideas with students and discussing their work.
Zandra's use of bold prints and feminine patterns have kept her at the top of British fashion elite in a career that has been going strong for over five decades. In the 1970s she was named Princess of Punk for her glamorous and daring collections.
On the visit, Zandra was accompanied by Professor Jimmy Choo, who as ISCA's Honorary President, always takes an active interest in the work of students.
ISCAについて⇒ http://www.unicon-tokyo.com/school/school_isca.html
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投稿者 unicon : 12:21
Professor Jimmy Choo Master Class 2015
ISCAの名誉校長であるシューズデザイナーのJimmy Choo(ジミー・チュー)による5日間の特別授業がISCAで行われました。
ISCA is running a special Professor Jimmy Choo workshop to kick start portfolio development for year 2 A-level and portfolio students. Their work will focus on development, trend research, as well as 2D and 3D design. Students will make a 3D garment focusing on sculpture on the body and surface pattern consisting of traditional and new technology covering 3D embroidery, applique and CAD technology including laser cutting techniques.
We are delighted that ISCA’s Honorary President Professor Jimmy Choo will be joining in the final workshop by giving a design critique. Professor Choo will award a prize to the student that has made the most progress throughout this design-led process.
In 2014, 98% of our students graduated to University of the Arts London including prestigious Central St Martins design programmes. This award will provide great critical acclaim for students and their future careers.
ISCAについて⇒ http://www.unicon-tokyo.com/school/school_isca.html
ISCAウェブサイト⇒ http://www.isca.uk.com/
Facebookページ⇒ https://www.facebook.com/ISCAschoolUK/?ref=br_rs
投稿者 unicon : 11:43